ER-1 Differential Extracellular Amplifier

The ER-1 is a compact, inexpensive, and versatile amplifier which is primarily intended for extracellular use. The ER-1 offers a number of both high and low pass filtering settings and a range of gains. The remote headstage has high imedance differential inputs and includes a bypass relay to connect the electrode to an auxiliary instrument such as a stimulator.

  • DC coupled differential headstage
  • High input impedance...1000 GigaOhms
  • Input range...+/-1Volt max.
  • Capacitance neutralization for noninverting input
  • BNC type input connector accepts various electrode holders
  • Sharp 4 pole high pass filter settings of DC, .1, 1, 10, 100, and 300 hz
  • DC offset control
  • Auto zero feature subtracts electrode potential from input before amplification
  • Input bypass switch for stimulation
  • Gain settings of X100, 200, 500, 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k, and 20k
  • Sharp 4 pole low pass filter settings of .1k, .3k, 1k, 3k, 10k, and 30k Hz
  • Line frequency notch filter
  • Output impedance...50 Ohms
  • Low noise...10 microvolt pp at 10KHZ

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